There are 131 schoolchildren in the first grade at the Conrado Barrios Elementary School in Baybay, Roxas City. There are only 3 sections so each teacher is in charge of 43 students. It was raining heavily the day I dropped by the school so a few students didn't show up. The Principal, Miss Carandang, has instituted a reward program for students who have the best attendance. In December last year, my family and I distributed school supplies to 20 of the first graders who had the most need for assistance. We also donated books to their library. This year we saved enough money to give all the first graders the tools they need and could not afford to buy. The children were all excited as we distributed crayons, pencils, pens, sharpeners, pad paper. Some children were extending their hand to get the supplies before their turn, probably because they wanted to ensure they got their school supply. Each child smiled and said "Thank you". One child was brought by his teacher to me...
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” - James Michener