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Showing posts with the label St. Paracheva

Iași, the Cultural and Historical Capital of Romania

Palace of Culture We had a brief stopover in Iași (pronounced ee yash) on our way to Moldova and I was pleasantly surprised by everything that I saw. This second largest Romanian city was the capital of the Principality of Moldavia from 1564 to 1859 and of Moldavia and Wallachia from 1859-1862 and of Romania from 1916-1918. There are five public universities in Iași where bright young minds are educated to eventually lead the government and industries of the country. Iași has many nicknames: the Cultural Capital,  the Historical Capital, the Moldavian capital, the City of Great Minds, the City of Three Unions. Boulevard Stefan cel Mari și Sfânt This pedestrian only boulevard is lined with outdoor cafés and restaurants. We sat down to lunch at one of these charming eateries before continuing our exploration of the city. Church of the Three Hierarchs This is one of the most beautiful churches I’ve ever visited. The façade is stunning with its stone lacery. I can’t imagine how long it...