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Inside Albi Cathedral

The austere brick exterior of the 13th century Sainte-Cécile Basilica Cathedral of Albi (or Albi Cathedral) reveals nothing about its opulent interior with its painted vaulted ceiling and columns, the Gothic lacy stonework in the Choir, the exquisite rood screen, and the 15th century mural of the Last Judgment under the monumental organ by Christophe Moucherel. The altar of the Church of the Canons within the Cathedral. The Choir of the Canons is hidden behind the rood screen which divides the Cathedral in two.  It is decorated with a host of angels, the twelve apostles, the Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist and St. Paul. The statue of Sainte Cecile, the patron saint of the Cathedral, is at the center of the screen below the crucifix. The figures of the emperors Charlemagne and Constantine face one another above the north and south entrances to the Choir. The ambulatory around the Choir is decorated with carved figures from the Old Testament. Notice the painted columns.

A patch of green

"God almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures." Francis Bacon  Jardins du Palais de la Berbie, Albi. "Bare feet on the grass comfort the spirit and connect the body to the earth all at once." Maximilian Degenerez Pont Vieux. Aude River, Carcassonne. "Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." Warren Buffett  Esplanade Charles de Gaulle, Nîmes. We need to take our children out more often to reconnect with nature. Place Wilson, Toulouse. In this medieval village, nature trails down the sides of stone houses and the scent of oranges permeate the air.  St. Paul de Vence, Provence Alpes-Maritimes. Metal goes well with a patch of green, n'est ce pas?  La Tour Eiffel, Paris. "I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." Joyce Kilmer Place des Quinconces, Bordeaux. A patch of green will do a world of good