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Showing posts with the label Avenida de Mayo

A Mugging Experience in Buenos Aires

Last Saturday as I was waiting for the green light to cross the street on Avenida 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo in Buenos Aires, I felt a sudden tug at my neck and when I looked behind me, I saw two men running away from me as fast as they could. I realized they had taken my gold necklace and leaf pendant. It was broad daylight, around 3:30 p.m. and I was following the neighborhood walk recommended by Frommer's which starts at the Casa Rosada and ends at the Congreso. I was on my way to Congreso when the robbery happened. There was another person standing there to my left and I told him that the robbers had just grabbed my necklace and he said he didn't see them.  When I think back to that moment, I believe this same man was part of that group because he had earlier tried to distract me.  I noticed he was fidgeting with his empty plastic bag and I thought what on earth is he doing? No one was crowding me but I was surrounded. And I didn't notice that the man ...