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Showing posts with the label immersive exhibit


Starry Night over the Rhone (1888) This is a digital experience with Van Gogh's paintings projected and magnified on four walls allowing the viewer to see minute details of his artworks as they move across the surfaces to orchestrated music.  “I don’t know anything with certainty, but seeing the stars makes me dream.” Vincent The Potato Eaters (1885) Bridge in the Rain (after Hiroshige), 1887 “My studio’s quite tolerable, mainly because I’ve pinned a set of Japanese prints on the walls that I find very diverting. You know, those little female figures in gardens or on the shore, horsemen, flowers, gnarled thorn branches.” Vincent to his brother, Theo from Antwerp, November 28, 1885 Sunflowers (1888/1889) For Van Gogh, sunflowers represented gratitude. “The sunflower is mine, in a way.” Vincent The Sower (1888) Starry Night (1889) Note: the image above is part of the painting. As the images continuously flow across surfaces, I have to decide to photograph the entire image or just a s...