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Showing posts from November, 2023

A Photowalk of Bicaz Gorge

Altar Rock (Pitra Altarului) On my way to Bucovina to see the painted monasteries, I was treated to nature at its best. I never heard of Bicaz Gorge before so I had no idea what to expect. This was the most surprising part of my second visit to Romania. I was trying to take a picture of Altar Rock as we drove slowly through the pass. The goal was to make sure I got the cross on top of the limestone cliff in the frame. It’s not as clear to spot but it’s there just below the flagpole. I took this shot through the windshield as we  couldn’t stop at this particular location since the pass is narrow and other cars were right behind us. Luckily I had better luck when I took the other images of the gorge. Bicaz Gorge (Cheile Bicazului)- Hăşmaş National Park is in northeastern Romania in Neamt and Harghita counties. A winding two-lane road stretches for 8 kilometers (4.97 miles) through the gorge. Limestone walls as high as 300-400 meters (984-1312 ft.) rise on both sides of the pass. Some...

48 Hours in Chișinău

Cathedral Park Moldova is one of the least visited countries in the world according to the   United Nations World Tourism Organization. It received 174,000 visitors in 2019 and the pandemic effectively slashed the number of visitors to 29,000 in 2020. It’s too bad because Moldova has a lot to offer, especially to wine enthusiasts. But it won’t be long before Moldova will be “rediscovered” by intrepid travelers and then we will whine about how crowded it is. Already the traffic in Chișinău is a growing pain for the country. Thankfully, there are many beautiful parks in the city when you need a break and a cup of coffee. Cathedral of Christ’s Nativity The Nativity Cathedral was built in the 1830s in the Neoclassical style after the design of Adam Melnikov, its chief architect.  It lost its bell tower in 1962 after it was destroyed by local communists. The zinc dome and cross are additions from 1997. Religious worship was banned during the Soviet era and the Cathedral was convert...

Taking Notice of Airport Art

The Canyon, Gordon Huether, 2020 Are you one of those travelers who rush through airports, train and metro stations to your designated gate/quay as soon as you clear Customs and TSA? If so you may have missed some interesting and intriguing artworks which are now mainstays in many terminals around the world. The Louvre-Rivoli metro stop in Paris displays replicas of sculptures from its museum collection like the Venus de Milo. And I recently found out that there is an archaeological museum at Istanbul Atatürk International Airport. So if you have some time to spare, check out the beautiful works of art at your next airport, train/metro stop. The Canyon installations span 362 feet and are made of 500 individual tensile membrane fins with an aluminum frame wrapped in fabric material. Huether was inspired by the canyons of Utah and how light transformed the rock formations. He brought his impressions to the new terminal at Salt Lake City International Airport complete with an immersive li...

3 Easy Excursions by Train from Osaka

These three cities in the Kansai region will leave your diary full of memorable entries. Nara Nara is awash with historical temples, shrines and ruins, a legacy from its early influence as the capital of Japan in the 8th century.  Todai -ji Is  the most visited of these temples. It is the home of the seated  Daibutsu  (Great Buddha), one of the largest bronze statues in Japan. It measures an impressive 15 meters in height and and fills the Great Hall (Daibutsuden) with its presence. Two  Bosatsu (Bodhisattva) sit on either side of Buddha.  The  Daibutsuden  is the biggest wooden building in the world though it is much  smaller than the original structure which was razed by fire in 1180 during the Genpei Civil War. Other interesting displays in the Hall are the mock-up model of the temple as it was in the 8th century and gigantic Nio statues. The Nio deities are the traditional guardians of Buddha. They protect the temple from evil spirit...

Oh, the books you’ll read

Long Room, Trinity College Library “The library card is a passport to wonders and miracles, glimpses into other lives, religions, experiences, the hopes and dreams and strivings of ALL human beings, and it is this passport that opens our eyes and hearts to the world beyond our front doors, that is one of our best hopes against tyranny, xenophobia, hopelessness, despair, anarchy, and ignorance.” Libba Bray, author Address: Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. OBA Library of Amsterdam “Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.” Walter Cronkite, American broadcast journalist Address: Oosterdokskade 143 (east of Amsterdam central station). Has a café. University of Zurich Law Library “When in doubt, go to the library.” J.K. Rowling, author     Address: Rämistrasse 74. Has a café. Helsinki Central Library Oodi “I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card.” Laura Bush, Librarian ...