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Showing posts with the label Victor Jorgensen

Your Kiss Is On My List

The Kiss, Gustav Klimt “It’s the way you love me It’s a feeling like this  It’s centrifugal motion It’s perpetual bliss It’s that pivotal moment This kiss, this kiss (it’s unstoppable)“ This Kiss, Faith Hill What’s in a kiss? More than touching lips, chemistry and feel good vibes, these artists (whom I’ve featured here) have immortalized the kiss visually and through music, the language of love. The image of The Kiss (above) was taken from the Atelier des Lumieres digital exhibition, Gustav Klimt and Hundertwasser, in Paris in 2018. The original painting is in the Austrian Gallery Museum of the Belvedere Palace in Vienna. Artist Unknown, Bologna, Italy ”Because your kiss, your kiss is on my lips Because your kiss, your kiss I can’t resist Because your kiss is what I miss When I turn on the lights” Your Kiss is on my List, Daryl Hall & John Oates Kissing the War Goodbye, Victor Jorgensen  “I wanna kiss a girl  I wanna hold her tight Mayb...