I have visited Cologne Cathedral at least three times and yet, I haven’t seen all it has to offer. As I write this post, I have come to realize that there is so much more to learn about this Gothic shrine that took more than six centuries to complete. But it isn’t really complete in every sense of the word. Scores of workers are hard at work every day maintaining, restoring and conserving this medieval structure. There’s always a section of the Cathedral with a scaffolding. (Note ongoing work next to Gerhard Richter’s window discussed in this post.) According to a local saying, “when the Cathedral is finished, it will be the end of the world”. Door knocker Main Portal Trivia: the Cathedral has 456 doors. View from the main portal of the central nave leading to the high altar. Notice the vaulted ceiling and the arched columns. Main Altar and the choir stalls A closer look at the massive granite columns that line the nave. Floor mosaic of St. Kunibert holding a model of the old cath...
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” - James Michener