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Showing posts with the label Church of St. Wenceslas


Masaryk Square and the Plague Column with the Virgin Mary Ostrava was founded in 1267 on the banks of the Ostrá (Ostravice) river. The town prospered from mining its rich black coal deposits. That was halted in 1994 due to environmental degradation. Ostrava today is one of the major European hubs in the automobile industry.  Ostrava is the second largest city in Czechia in area and the third largest in terms of population. The city’s logo   Ostrava !!!   embodies its dynamics. The three question marks allude to its vitality, energy and confidence. The Ostrava blue is taken from traditional armorial emblems. Church of St. Wenceslas  St. Wenceslas is the oldest monument in Ostrava. The first church was built on this site in the 13th century. The church has been restored a few times over the centuries.  Notice the Baroque onion dome which is a later addition.  Cathedral of the Divine Saviour When the Church of St. Wenceslas could no longer accommodate the...