Candombe, Carlos Páez Vilaró Uruguay's Carnaval is a spellbinding experience that showcases the country's rich Afro-Uruguayan cultural heritage. While it may not be as widely known as its Brazilian or Argentine counterparts, Uruguay's Carnaval has its own distinct flavor and charm. What is also not widely known is that Uruguay’s Carnaval is the longest celebration of its kind in the world. It starts in late January and continues to March every year. The Carnaval celebrated in Uruguay has deep Afro-Uruguayan roots dating back to the 18th century when enslaved Africans brought their musical and dance traditions to the country. These traditions live on in the annual celebration of Carnaval featuring impassioned drumming, engaging dance performances and dazzling costumes. The pulse of Uruguay's Carnaval is the Candombe rhythm, a style of music and dance that originated in the African diaspora. The pulsating beat of the Candombe drums echoes through the streets, inspiring ...
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” - James Michener