In the latest survey of 4,500 hotel owners around the world conducted for Expedia, French tourists were ranked the worst tourists for the third year in a row. So what went wrong? Survey found the French arrogant, rude, stingy tippers and the least likely to speak another language. The French were followed by the Spaniards and the Greeks. On the other hand, Japanese tourists were rated the best tourists by those surveyed because they are polite, clean, quiet and least likely to complain. American tourists were most likely to complain among all groups but were ranked in the Best Tourists category because they are generous tippers and big spenders. Americans however ranked poorly in tidiness and grooming. Let's count the ways to be a good tourist: 1. Be polite 2. Be clean 3. Dress carefully and appropriately 4. Don't be loud 5. Try to speak at least a few words in the language of the country you are visiting 6. Tip reasonably (Check Conde Nast Traveler tipping guide by country) ht...
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” - James Michener