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Showing posts with the label Cavite

Sonya's Garden Getaway

This floral path leads to the dining room. One of three gardens, the scented garden is a joy to explore. So many special touches, it's a pleasure to linger and dream of my own garden. At Sonya's Garden, I've learned to expect beautiful things and attention to detail like this crisp, white tablecloth with minute embroidery and elegant dinnerware. Pickings from the vegetable garden. Iceberg lettuce, oregano, arugula, cherry tomato, Roma tomato, tarragon, and this butter scented flower called butterbush. There's always fresh ingredients from the gardens for all the meals served at Sonya's. And after a most fulfilling dinner, tarragon tea will gently ease your digestive tract. Romance comes into play when evening falls upon the gardens. You can always find a little nook to while the time away with a good book. Wish I could have stayed longer. Sonya's Garden Barangay Buck Estate Alfonso, Cavite

Sonya's Garden

Only a couple of hours from Metro Manila, this bed and breakfast beckons weary city dwellers for some r&r and organic cuisine. I had resolved to go to Sonya's for mind and body rejuvenation. Instead I experienced a culinary epiphany. I had to ask the waiter if all the good food he spread out on my beautifully set table was for me. And he affirmed. So I slowly made my way through breakfast starting with my eggplant omelette, chicken adobo, mango salad, boneless milkfish, garlic rice and slices of papaya and mango. My stomach whispered "enough, please". Had to forego the egg omelette. Here's the breakfast of champions.