Hauptplatz (Main Square) It was a pleasant day in May as I strolled around the third biggest city in Austria. But I found few people in the streets and the commercial district was quiet. I guess people go home when the shops are closed. Trinity Column You’ll find a Trinity column in many cities in Europe. This 20-meter high plague column is made of Unsterberg marble and is an offering of gratitude from the Emperor Charles VI and the townspeople for having evaded the worst of the plaque in the 17th century, the attacks of the Ottoman Empire and the War of the Spanish succession. Hauptplatz Pastel painted buildings and terrace restaurants surround the main square of Linz. Hauptlatz Newly planted spring flowers are a sight for sore eyes. Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (New Cathedral) The Immaculate Conception is the largest church in all of Austria. It can accommodate 20,000 people. Completed in 1924, it has been undergoing restoration to replace its “crumbling sandstone” and...
“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay at home.” - James Michener