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Showing posts with the label Baldassare Forestiere

Forestiere Underground Gardens - Updated

Winter Bedroom In 1901 a young Sicilian immigrant named Baldassare Forestiere arrived in Boston with a dream of becoming a citrus grower. He found a job as a subway digger and kept it until 1905 when he bought 85 acres of land in the San Joaquin Valley in California. Alas the land he bought turned out to be hardpan so his dream ended there. But being an enterprising man, he worked during his spare time to build a home for himself below the ground where it was mercifully cooler.  Forty years later, he had transformed this subterranean abode into comfortable quarters for himself and planted fruit bearing trees on 10 acres of his land. Passageway Summer bedroom This room has a window overlooking a private courtyard which allowed air to circulate and kept the room cool. Baldassare built this alcove high above the floor to keep the moisture off his bed. Outdoor Victorian tub Baldassare took a warm bath in this courtyard. The water was supplied by a metal tank above ground and connected ...