Only 30 minutes from central Buenos Aires, the Tigre River is the jump off point for trips around the Paraná Delta. State of the art boats ferry passengers through thousands of miles of waterways for a glimpse of life on the delta.
Summer homes, some elegant, others simple and basic, peek through lush flora on the banks of the river. There are about 3000 residents in the delta, more so during the summer months. It's beautiful and peaceful out here and there are many activities to indulge in or none at all, depending on your mood.
This grocery boat traverses the river bringing necessary food and supplies to delta residents. Garbage pick-up barges also ply the river. There is a chapel, a gas station, a restaurant (or two) on these waterways. It's as if you're living on dry land.
Beach goers enjoy swimming in the brown waters of the delta. The existence of silt in the waterways explains why it is brown. To keep waters flowing, the delta is constantly dredged to remove the silt which comes down from the Bermejo River and advances to the Rio de la Plata.
A rusted boat rocks idly by the riverside.
Kayakers battle river traffic for an early morning run. There are rowing clubs in the town of Tigre which is a favorite weekend destination for Porteños.
Tours of the the river may be arranged with Sturla Navigation or through tour companies in Buenos Aires.
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Images by Charie