Little Free Library |
Do you know of any library located by the sea? The Little Free Library in Roxas City is on Baybay Beach. So come by
take a book,
find a shady nook
and read to your heart's content.
Guests queue up to give a book to the library.
Big thanks to Wee Lucas Conlu for giving the free library a viable venue. One with lots of foot traffic. We are excited to bring this project to Capiz. It is only the second one in the Philippines, after Talisay in Cebu. And many thanks to Christian Francisco Acevedo for hosting the event and for committing resources to the library. We're off to a terrific start!
"A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life." Henry Ward Beecher
Update: We have since registered our library with LFL and our Charter number is 56598. We are officially on the LFL world map. See the image below.
Images by travelswithcharie